Sunset at Traeth Mawr | Palombella Hart
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A simple but peaceful sunset shot; the tide was well and truly on its way out, which left patterns in the sand and coupled with the water’s edge, I thought it would help create interest in the foreground and lead the eye to the beautiful sunset sky. A simple but effective composition!
I really enjoy photographing around the south coast of Anglesey the coast is perfect for coastal photography and there is lots of archaeological remains and historic footprints left in the landscape, which adds to the magic of the place. Just observing the section of coast in this photograph is a perfect example; taken at Traeth Mawr (Aberffraw Beach), where the village of Aberffraw is located was once an important medieval capital of the Kingdom of Gwynedd; on the highest rise on the right of the photograph, which is named High Seat you can find traces of an Iron Age Hillfort and if you follow coast to the left it takes you to St Cwyfan Bay, you find the medieval St Cwyfan’s chapel (Church in Sea), which is isolated on a small island called Cribinau when the tide is high; and little further along the coast from there is a Neolithic burial chamber. It is truly a magical place and somewhere I will never tire of.

Sunset at Traeth Mawr

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